• Complex development of tunnel car washes:
      – SHELL Maritsa, Plovdiv
      – OMV Malinova Dolina, Sofia
      – OMV Probiva, Sofia

      • Restructuring of production buildings and development of production premises of high-temperature sensors, Sensata Technologies Bulgaria, Botevgrad
      • Reconstruction of existing premises, construction of new installations – lighting, high current, ventilation and air conditioning, diesel, for compressed air, and the respective control units, Sensata Technologies Bulgaria, Sofia
      • Construction of a clean room with a ventilation chamber and necessary installations, construction of new adjacent premises, Sensata Technologies Bulgaria, Botevgrad
      • Construction of a new premise located in an existing production hall in Sensata Technologies Bulgaria, Botevgrad
      • Design and building a gate checkpoint, Mondelez Bulgaria Production, Svoge
      • Repair of roofs of warehouse and production buildings in the territory of the chocolate factory, Mondelez Bulgaria Production, Svoge